Hi Madison, you have made an excellent summary of the different functions of organelles in the cell, so well done. About your question of how many cells we have, scientists still just estimate this number but think maybe 37 trillion cells (not including bacteria) = 37,000,000,000,000 with an average adult having 50 billion fat cells and 2 billion heart cells. Cells were discovered by an Englishman, Robert Hooke, in 1665, and thesedays we know quite a lot about all the different sorts of functions they perform in the body.
Hi Madison, you have made an excellent summary of the different functions of organelles in the cell, so well done. About your question of how many cells we have, scientists still just estimate this number but think maybe 37 trillion cells (not including bacteria) = 37,000,000,000,000 with an average adult having 50 billion fat cells and 2 billion heart cells. Cells were discovered by an Englishman, Robert Hooke, in 1665, and thesedays we know quite a lot about all the different sorts of functions they perform in the body.