
Tuesday 11 July 2017

#Keeping New Zealand Beautiful


  1. Well done girls. I agree. We need to keep New Zealand clean. Good environment makes a beautiful place.

    1. Thanks Rosey the wolf thats got the same name as my mum

  2. Hi Madison, Leilani and Lillyana,

    I really like the way that you have come together to work on the Winter Learning Journey activities. It's a great way to share the workload and to have fun together while you're learning!

    I think that you have each come up with some great ideas for keeping New Zealand beautiful. It is pretty important that we do what we can to protect and preserve New Zealand for future generations. I want to make sure that Aronui (my son) inherits a country that is clean and safe. I hope that all of us will remember to do what we can to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste. I hope that we will also remember to pick up rubbish that we see on the ground and to use reusable bags when we go our shopping (rather than plastic bags). I actually have to go grocery shopping tonight and I am going to bring a re-usable bag with me.

    Cheers, girls. Your post has really inspired me to think about my behaviour and to make changes that will help the environment.

    Ka pai!


    1. Thank you rachel hope you have fun gocery shopping

    2. Hi Madison,

      Thanks for the message! Yes, I did have fun grocery shopping. It's actually one of my 'all time' favourite things to do. I really developed a love for grocery shopping when I first moved from Canada (my home country) to Japan. I moved to Nagano City, Japan to teach English and it was a completely new world. I had never been to Asia before and I didn't speak any Japanese. In my first month in Japan, the only place that I felt truly comfortable was at the grocery store. I was able to walk along by myself and look at the items and know what they were (most of them!) without knowing how to read or write in Japanese. It was really comforting! The rest of my day I had to interact with people and figure out how to communicate. At the grocery store I could just 'zone out' and wander along, completely uninterrupted. I have loved grocery shopping ever since!

      Do you enjoy grocery shopping?


  3. Wow, awesome work Madison, Lillyana and Leilani! I can see that you've had fun working together these holidays. Your slideshow was so thoughtful and creative. It's so good that you thought outside the box and wrote about gardens and graffiti instead of just the rubbish.

    What is something that you have done today to keep New Zealand beautiful?
